Wednesday, October 21, 2009

10-22-09 "Fairfax"

Reps of 30,20,10 for time of:

Wallball (20/15)
Front Squat 45lbs
Body builders
Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
400m run


Zach Miller said...

Great Job Fighten Phils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great Job O yea Baby!!!!!!!

Cappi said...

is the front squat really with 45lbs?
i'm assuming its 95 for everything

Tanya said...

Yeah PHILS!!!

Cappi, it's not a typo, it's go fast on them! When it's light like that lock in the form and fly.

JustinMakaila said...

and hockey game coming to the rescue again, saving me from another painful sounding workout =D

Bussom36 said...

Nice Picture on the CF-Football site!
Can't wait to hear about it.

Cappi said...

gotta agree with bussom let me hear all about it steven!
watched a vid on the CFFB cert, looks like so much fun.

shecht said...

Thanks Bus, it was a blast. Are you and Mike going over KofP at all on Saturday?

Cappi said...

nice i didnt think anyone else from APEX was going. ill see you there Steve, bring the fam!