Sunday, February 7, 2010


Reps of 21-15-9 for time of:

Back Squat
Push Jerk
Floor Press (lay on ground and press - Bench press without the bench, triceps start flat to the ground full extension at the top)

Same wt. used for all 4 lifts. You are only as strong as your weakest lift.
Preferred 95+ men 45+ women
Post load and time to comments.


Keith said...

Looks like a good one!

After 3 days away from CrossFit Apex I'll be looking to eat a bar if I don't get a workout in...

Unknown said...

floor press! Finally some bench!

Mike D. said...

16:58 Great shoulder workout. Have fun everyone!

Josh Wagner said...

I have to say that just sucked. Sorry to say I could not even come close to my goal which was under 20min. That just beat my @#$. 23:12 w/135#

Floor press was horrible even with 135#

Karen said...

That was definitely a different type of workout. Just a shout out to Frank, I am not sure I would have been able to finish without his help. It meant a lot to me that you came over to spot my last set. Those floor presses were so difficult. There is something so special about the bond between the members of Crossfit Apex. It is one of my favorite places to be!!

Unknown said...

Anytime, Karen ! Sorry I couldn't keep count though! :) That 1000 meters Tanya tacked on at the end for me was awesome....nope.