Tuesday, March 16, 2010

3-17-10 "Leprechaun on my back"

Happy St. Patty's Day!
A lucky little Leprechaun jumped on your back...do this workout with a 20# weightvest.

4 rds.
400 meter run
10 ring rows
7 get ups (26# kb)
10 walking lunges
7 toes to bar

Don't forget we're on day 15 for H2O thrusters.


Bussom36 said...

Top of the Morning to Ya!!
Scrappy set the tone by wearing a 35# vest into the box and didn't take it off until the WOD was over! Nice work all you Leprechaun's

Unknown said...

Is it wrong that I can't wait to get back in and do this WOD? So sick of sitting at home - see you all tonight!


julia said...

Hello from Mississippi! I did a beach workout this a.m....3 mile run then 20 burpee long jumps in the sand, 40 sit ups, and 40 air squats...

Michael said...

I didn't realize those leprechauns were so heavy. This one looks fun, (if fun = scary)see you at 4:30!

Josh Wagner said...

Good job evening crew. Much different hitting a WOD with extra weight strapped to your body.

Soreness is beginning to set in from this week so Far. Gonna try and hit another WOD tomorrow.


Dave "BDD" said...

Did yesterdays workout

Reps of 21-15-9 for time of:

Deadlift (225/135)
Clapping Push ups
Pull ups (subbed wallball 20#)


[need to raise my pu bar, cannot kip because feet hit the floor]

Eida said...

Good for you Julia. I just went to my hotel room and crashed :( Maybe tomorrow...