Monday, March 22, 2010


Reps of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, and 1 of:

Box Jump (Men 30in, Women 24in)
Pwr Clean & Jerk (95/65)


Bussom36 said...

Nice work this morning AM Crew! We had a rocky start with the road being shut down and the water getting turned off(due to construction, we pay our bills)! However, ya'll powered through it like business as usual!

Bussom36 said...

Anyone still getting their Thruster on?

I think I've been out since Day 2

Angie said...

My box is only 16", so to get to 24" I had a nice big stack of bumpers on top! First time for doing Rx KTE in a WOD.

19:03 Rx

Dave "BDD" said...

I'm not sure that I even have enough bumpers to bring my box up to 30in, let alone me being able to jump to that height consistently!

Dave "BDD" said...


26" box

Shanna said...

15:57 65# ROM KTE 20" box

Unknown said...

11:35 rx