Tuesday, May 25, 2010


For time:

100 power cleans 115/95/65/45 (choice)
(on the top of each minute complete 5 burpees)
100 toe to bar
(on the top of each minute complete 5 air squats)

Cash out: 400m Sled Pull (1/2 body weight)


Bussom36 said...

Break out your Pedi-Eggs and loosen up your forearms! You all in for a real Treat with this WOD!

Josh Wagner said...

Great work to all of your who completed tonights workout. That was a very grueling workout.

How bout that 1/2 BW sled pull?!!

Kimberly said...

Least favorite workout..then again, I am sure I will say that about tomorrow as well. But I am glad I accomplished it so that is all that matters :)