Monday, May 31, 2010

6-1-10 "Manmakers"

Reps of 21-15-9 for time of:

manmakers 20+/20-
DL 185/115
box jumps 20"


Ted said...

I am familiar with the manmaker movement, but don't understand what the "20+/20-" represents. Any feedback would be appreciated. Also, I love the site and the programming. I live in FL and follow Apex programming at my globo. Good luck in Carson!

Dave "BDD" said...

20+/20- is the weight of dumbells to be used.

For guys 20lbs or more
For gals 20lbs or less

as usual, weight can be scaled to individuals ability.

Josh Wagner said...

Awesome to hear Ted. Thanks for commenting with us. Keep up the great work and if you ever have any good pictures or video you would like to share with us, please pass it along.

Anonymous said...

25:29 Rx'd ...
manmakers destroyed me ...
loved it!!