Monday, September 20, 2010

9-21-10 "Feliciani"

400m run
30 db squat cleans
400m run
30 med ball sit ups
400m run
30 deadlifts (med/heavy)
400m run
30 pull ups


Stefan said...


cya tomorrow.

Zimnock said...


Cory said...

Zimnock/capaldi it is

Tanya said...

What are you boys talking about? Is this Facebook code or something???

Stefan said...

we aren't allowed to tell. but good work today.

Zimnock said...

facebook code maybe Mrs.Wagner maybe.............

Zimnock said...

and i just made a event for what we were talkin about today hahah

Tanya said...

that better be FGB event! good luck with the fundraising!

Zimnock said...

dont worry it is