Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9-23-10 "Again Faster WOD 3

10 min Amrap of:

10 front squats (medium wt)
10 box jumps 30"/24"
10 pull ups


Anonymous said...

Is there anyway you could open the doors at 7am tomarrow i want to do this workout but i cant fit in any of those times.

Josh Wagner said...

Sorry Coyne we are at school.

Vic said...


Great job on tonight's Metcon. Special recognition to Capaldi, from what I understand Pukie the Clown punched him in the gut on his front lawn after he got home : ) Those sleds are awesome!!!

Semper Fidelis,

Josh Wagner said...

Prowlers will be back soon!

Cory said...

Lol yes pucky the clown snuck up on me,, thanks to those sleds! You always kno its a good workout when that happens,, can't wait to get those sleds in a wod!