Thursday, October 28, 2010

10-29-10 "TSE"

Tabata Something Else APEX LEADERBOARD WOD

20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest
8 consecutive rounds of each exercise:

Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups
Air squats

Total all reps of each of the 4 exercises for your overall score!

Strength and Technique: Clean


Bussom36 said...

Did this one yesterday morning, let’s just say Keithy and body weight moves do not mix!

Looking forward to seeing some creative costumes tomorrow!

Also, if you have any clothing items at the box(in the blue shelf), please take them with you this weekend, anything left over will be donated to Purple Heart.

Tanya said...

Awesome job this am LADIES! Despite how "easy" this one looked, you guys hung in there and worked your butts off!!!
Great double this morning Shanna, Julia appreciated sharing the pain with someone I'm sure!

Stay tuned for "Tabata What Else" by Shanna :)

Michael said...

My legs are crushed from yesterday. Anyone have any anti-soreness quick-fixes? I'm walking like Frankenstein,.. hey I got a good costume idea! Anyway, steps are my enemy today.