Saturday, October 30, 2010

10-30-10 Happy Halloween

"Spooky Doo Doo Chipper"
For time:
40 pull ups
10 box jumps
40 OHS (light)
40 pistols
20 ring dips
40 DU's
10 jerks (heavy)

Each person who arrived chose their worst movement. They each then rolled our foam dice to determine the number of reps to complete for their doo doo move. They were then organized into a chipper wod.


Tanya said...

Sorry Bus we missed your pirate costume in the pic.


Anonymous said...

Would have loved to been there vic that costume fits you so well. Bad News Sprained the ankle again hope to be back in asap.

Lisa said...

wish i could've made it! looks like you guys had fun! see you all monday