Sunday, November 21, 2010


For time:

400m run w/ vest 45/20
30 kb snatch
30 pistols
400m run w/ vest
20 kb snatch
20 pistols
400m run w/ vest
10 kb snatch
10 pistols

*snatch and pistols- No vest


Zimnock said...

this is gonna be a breeze with my right side

Bussom36 said...

I was able to get in early today and hit "Collin"

400 m run 50# Sand-Bag
12 Push-Press 115#
12 box jumps 24"
12 SDLHP 95#

Kimberly said...

Bruce and I went to Crossfit 5 Star and he experienced Fran for the first time and I PRd on Fran from 10:39 35# thruster and green band on 6.12 to 7:50 35# thruster and blue band! Bruce did 65# thruster and blue band for time at 6:51!

Josh Wagner said...

Nice job Kim and Bruce!

Took on tonights WOD and finished 11:40.

Also did 5-50-5 Double unders. Move up by 5's must straight set in order to move to next set of 5.