Friday, November 12, 2010

Saturday 11/13/10

BWI's Mid-Atlantic Hopper: 2nd & 3rd Wod

1st Wod:
500 m row
44 DU's

2nd Wod:
3 min AMRAP
Back Squats


Dave "BDD" said...

greetings from Crossfit Zurich. Waiting my turn to hit the wod.

4 rounds
30 box jumps
20 wallball
10 hspu.

Dave "BDD" said...

correction, we did the mainsite wod.


Four rounds for time of:
100 foot Walking lunge with 45lb plate held overhead
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
20 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Handstand push-ups

I did half reps and scaled the box and hspus. Had no gas after only 3 hrs of sleep on the plane and doing lunges and pushpresses before I left on Friday.

A nice fun group here in Zurich!

See you all at the end of the week.

Dave "BDD" said...

oh, yeah 17:04

Bussom36 said...

Nice work Dave!
Good Luck and enjoy your trip!

Get out and enjoy the weather!