Sunday, December 12, 2010

12-13-10 "Wags"

For time

Reps of 10-1:

hang power clean and jerk 135/95
medball sit ups
ring push ups
pull ups

* Last time completed 12/2/09


Bussom36 said...

Kutty vs Frank
1 0

Bus vs Josh
0 1

Who's up for a little freindly Comp before the Holidays? Let's make this week or next week CALL OUT WEEK!
For Example- I thought I could take Josh in WAGS, so I called him out after doing my wod- needless to say, he spanked me by almost 2 minutes!
In the end, it made he and I push that much harder in the wod!

Bussom36 said...

Not sure why the spaces when away?
Kutty = 1
Frank =0

Bus =0
Josh = 1

Unknown said...

how am i being directly compared to someone who has been working out consistently over the past 3 months!?!!! Nonsense.

However...I'll take any challenges that come my way.

Anonymous said...

max bench, bring it Frank!