Tuesday, December 21, 2010

12-22-10 "32 Hokies-pokies"

7 rounds:

Odd rounds
4 squat clean and jerks (medium)
16 kettlebell swings (35/26)
320m row

Even rounds
4 squat clean and jerks (medium)
16 deadlifts (medium)
32 double unders

* same bar for squat cleans and deadlifts


Shanna said...

Bri and I are down for WD. Also Skirmish has the best paintball fields EVER so we may stay the weekend to play if anyone is interested.

Bus nice work on Randy btw!

Tanya said...

Sweet! Any other takers for Warrior Dash speak now. Looks like at least 8 right now....now who wants to be captain WD horn hat and run this show?


Also not sure if KBizzle is in or Vicolas?

Zimnock said...

i say vicolas

Teresa said...

I'm in for the Warrior Dash and nominate Captain High Knees Vicolas.

Kimberly said...

Bruce and I are in for the WD as well. I nominate High Knees as well

Crossfitanchorage said...

I got ya'lls high knees! I'll do it.... You guys can stand by.

Semper Fi,

Karen said...

I am in for the Warrior Dash, Tj might come too.

Bussom36 said...

I'm in, thanks for taking the LEAD ViKolas!!

Dave "BDD" said...

Sorry I missed this one, sure looked like fun!

WD, maybe I can be convinced!