Thursday, December 23, 2010

12-24-10 "12 days of Christmas"

*Don't forget to wear your best "ugly sweater" if you have one!

For time:
1 burpee
2 push press
3 front squats
4 hang power cleans
5 deadlifts
6 box jumps
7 pull ups
8 push ups
9 sit ups
10 air squats
11 kettlebell swings 53/35
500m row

* bar movements are 95/65

Workout is to be completed just like the 12 days of Christmas song. 1 burpee, then 2 pp, 1 burpee, then 3 front squats, 2 pp, 1 burpee ........continue until 500m row and work back through everything for one last time.

Merry Christmas to Everyone.

CrossFit Apex Kids Christmas WOD from CrossFit Apex on Vimeo.


Jarrett said...

i'm not actually gonna be able to come tomorrow morning. hope everyone has a good Christmas! see you all on Monday!

Angie said...

It just wouldn't be Christmas without doing this WOD! It's really something to look forward to each year :-) Missy and I did this one together at home this morning since we couldn't make it in to APEX. We subbed a 400m run for the row. I PR'd by 2:45-- Whoo-hoo, Merry Christmas to me! :-)

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!

Kimberly said...

Great job on the Crossfit kids video. I want to have snowball fight :-)

Michael said...

Wish I could've made it. Got a nasty cold. Part of the territory of having two kids I guess. They bring home all sorts of neat stuff. Merry Christmas!!! See you soon!


Zimnock said...

im pretty sure i took the ugly sweater contest :)