Monday, December 6, 2010

12-7-10 "Barbara"

5 rounds timed individually with approx. 3 minutes of rest in between rounds.

20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 air squats

Do you ever just wonder how much this is going to hurt or why do I do this to myself?
(As Eida stands on before doing 91 floor to oh lifts with 55lbs)


Anonymous said...

For anyone who is stuck in a rut and wondering if all this work really adds up. Tonights wod "No Joke" was the first wod I did at Apex less then a year ago. My time was a very painful and disappointing 16:57. Tonight I PR'ed by 7:54 with a time of 9:03! Thanks to all the trainers for breaking me down and building me up. Stay on me! Keep up the awesome work everyone, its a pleasure everyday to be around so many bada$$ motivated people!!!

Tanya said...

Kutty that's awesome! Good for you man. That's so exciting to actually see the numbers. You have to been killing it and doing great lately, keep up all your hard work and you will continue to see these big rewards and gains!

So excited for you, great stuff and awesome job this weekend too!

Julia Spencer said...

That's amazing! ;)

Teresa said...

So Wes and I just did an outdoor version of this wod - we'll call it Chilly Barbara:

(Current temperature, 33˚F)

?:?? (clock malfunction)

3:45 (1/2 reps)

Fun fun!

Chas said...

I think I now know what it feels like to be on the verge of death. Thanks Barbara!