Tuesday, December 28, 2010

12/29/10 "Eraser" - CF Explode

8 Rounds
8 SDLHP 115/75#
8 G.I. Janes (Burpees and Pull-up= 1 G.I. Jane)
8 Push Press 115/75#
8 Toes to Bar
100 M run



Chas said...

Was honestly thinking of staying home when I saw this WOD posted for today, but gutted it out and it felt awesome to complete this one. Great start to the day. Awesome job 9A.M crew!!!!

Julia said...

Chas, I did the workout the exact same way you did TTB and GI Janes and with the same weight. You took me by about 4 minutes! Yes, Great workout everyone. j

Chas said...

It must of been the fact that I ate my Wheaties this morning : )Awesome coaching this morning, couldn't of done it without you! Thanks!

Josh Wagner said...

great workout tonight. Thanks for the push 5:30 class!

Zimnock said...

Way to be Wagsss. And you see that Derek? I got you again!