Sunday, December 26, 2010

Monday - 12/27/10

Time to work off the Holiday Feast
10 DL (med)
10 Chest to Bar Pullups
20 Double Unders


Bussom36 said...

The 9am class is still on, please be smart about driving!

If you are shoveling today, be sure to bend your kneed and keep your back tight! Just like deadlifting

Chuck said...

Did this WOD at home today.

HSPU - red and purple bands
Deadlift - #95
Chest to bar pull-ups - blue band
double unders


Zach Miller said...

what time is group class 2nite?

Josh Wagner said...


Just went in a did this one 12:12.
This weather stinks! I should have been sitting in the Cayman Islands right now:( Instead I am looking out the window at 30mph winds with snow piled to 2 feet at certain spots...OH and did I mention it is 25 degrees outside :(

On the good news side I get to spend another happy holiday, New Years with my CrossFit Apex Family:)

Bussom36 said...

Tru Dat!