Sunday, January 23, 2011

1-24-11 "JT"

Apex Leaderboard WOD

Reps of 21-15-9 for time of:

Ring dips
Push ups

Because of level of difficulty a scaling option will be to break up the HSPU, RD and Push ups into 2 rounds. (Rd 1- 11, 8, 5, Rd2 10, 7, 4)


Dan J said...

The mainsite calls for a 3:1 (bar:ring dips) sub.......ouch

Crossfitanchorage said...

Dan, don't worry brother, we have assistance bands that we can put you in to help with Ring Dip scaling.

Dan J said...

Thanks for the support and I wish was going in today but sadly, I'm doing this one on my own. I'll be in tomorrow though!

Michael said...

Triceps are going to be hurting on this one. 3 push movements seems odd. I would've expected pull-ups or ring rows instead of one of the push movements.

Josh Wagner said...

That's precisely what makes JT so wonderful :) That's why it's a hero WOD! You never know when it's a hero, benchmark or girl just what you're getting into...


Lauren P. said...

So....after doing this WOD this morning I went to play my 2 hour tennis match and did kick a**. However, now my arms won't stop shaking....Thanks for a good one:)