Thursday, January 6, 2011


Partner WOD

20 power cleans 155/105 (heavy)
40 burpees
20 thrusters 155/105 (heavy)
40 box jumps
20 HSPU (partner assist/mod)
40 wall balls
*one person works at a time
*must complete 1 movement before moving on to the next

Strength and Technique: Push Press

Stay Tuned...Snow in the AM, could make for a messy morning! Check here for schedule changes!


Tanya said...

Drive safe if you're making the trek in this morning...just dropped Josh off at's a little slick out there!

Dave "BDD" said...

1/2 partner WOD
10 power cleans 155#
20 burpees
10 thrusters 95#
20 box jumps 20"
10 HSPU scaled (doubled green/blue backpack)
20 wall balls (8ft wall/ceiling)
