Friday, January 7, 2011

1/8/11 LORD & LADY WOD 1

If you can make the 8am, Please Try to come to the 8am for the Lord and Lady WOD1 Thanks!

Triple Threat(complements of CF Explode):

All 3 WODS are 5 min AMRAP's, combined score = total reps. You have will have 10 min rest in between WODs.
You have the power in picking the order of your WODs.

5 Burpees
10 Pull-Ups

10 min Rest

WOD 2: 5 min AMRAP
7 Front Squats...95/55#
7 Push Press...95/55#

10 min Rest

WOD 3: 5 min AMRAP
5 Power Cleans...155/85#
10 Box Jumps...20/16"

Burpees- chest/thighs must touch the deck and must have air between the floor and feet on the jump/clap.
Pull-Ups- You may kip, butterfly or dead-hang but your chin must be above the bar and elbows fully locked out at the bottom.
Front Squat- Depth- Hip below the knee and full extension of hips and knees at the top(YOU CAN NOT SQUAT CLEAN 1ST REP).
Push Press- Knees and elbows locked at the top, you may not redip after the press.
Power Clean- Knees locked out and hips must be open.
Box Jumps- Both feet must be on the box and hips open.

7:45-8:10- Warm-up/Strech
8:10- Standards review
8:15- 1st WOD


Zimnock said...

so is there not going to be a 9 O'clock class for the Lord & Lady?

Tanya said...

If you can make the 8am Try to come to the 8am for the Lord and Lady WOD1!

Chas said...

Goodluck tomorrow guys and gals! Wish I could be there. Have fun!

Zimnock said...

One week closer to keepin that hair. Get ittt

Cory said...

Sorry I couldn't make it in today, I'm feeling really under the weather this morning. Hope everyone had fun today!

Julia said...

Keith, Today was FUN! THANK YOU for pulling it together :)

Julia said...

Warrior Dash. What date is everyone registering for? I am behind on this. Saturday or Sunday? and the 2:30 time at this point cuz the 2 is filled?

Zimnock said...

saturday at 2:30 Julia. you get to be with me then :D

Chas said...

Well I dropped the ball on that. The Sat 2:30 is booked! 4:30 only opening left. Sun is all open. Anyone that missed the 2:30 cap interested in 4:30 Sat or Sunday?

Bussom36 said...

GREAT WORK TODAY! You all really stepped it up a notch today!! You are all Lords & Ladies in my book, but we can only crown one pre groupl
Current Standings:
Male +19
1- Kutty
2- Chuck P.
3- BBD
4- Mike E.
5- Brian O.
Female +19
1- Angie N.
2- Scratch
3- Shanna B.
4- Karen N.
Males -19
1- A.Zimnock
2- Derek R.
3- Austin M.
4- Bobby R.

If you missed today due to weather or illness, do not be discouraged! You have 5 weeks to climb back in and to the top.

Soon to Come: A recap of LORD & LADY WEEK 1 and a spread sheet with official results.
Enjoy the weekend!

Bussom36 said...

SLACKERS! I am glad Vic took all that time to research and create the email for the Warrion!
Sign up for Saturday.....I am sure you can sneak in different time slots!
Kutty, whats the status of the Bus?

Chas said...

Guess I'll sign up for Saturday and see what happens. I'll have to pull off a 52 Fakeout.

Mike said...

Couldn't do this this morning, but I was able to work on a weakness this afternoon:
6 rounds :
400 M run
25 Burpees

Julia said...

Stupid missing the Jan 7 cutoff. Still, I'm registered for sat at 4:30.

Chas said...

I put some work in today as well. The kicker was also watching 2 kids all day!
5 Rnds
100 Singles
15 Burpees
25 SU
20 AS

Dave "BDD" said...

BBD? Bell Biv DeVoe?

I didn't see him a the WOD!

Did a good job, he is in 3rd place!