Friday, January 28, 2011

Lord and Lady Wk 4 - 1/29/11

Week 4
WOD- "Recess"
5 rounds
6 Ground to Over-head 135/80
100 single unders

This WOD has a time Cap- 10min

Doors open at 7:30 - be sure to arrive early to get your body warm & stretched.
8AM- WOD will begin

Ground to Over-head- You may snatch or Jerk, knees and elbows must be locked out at the top.

Who is that dude in the back?


Kacie said...

I'd like to put ina request to go in the first heat! I have to teach somewhere else in the morning, but if I go in the first heat @ 8am, I can make it..

Bussom36 said...

Wish Granted!

Unknown said...

Do double-unders count as 2 single unders?

Bussom36 said...

Ross, if the wod calls for DU's the scaling for 1 DU = 3 singles.
This wod calls for singles, can't really scale them.
If you want to DU, you can. It still 100 of them.

Zimnock said...

look at all them ino8's