Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 3 Lord and Lady of Apex 1/22/11

7:30- Doors will be open: Warm up/Stretch/Get your self mentally prepared:)
Starting right at 8 am - WOD 1 will begin!

Battle Royal

3 rds- 1 minute at each station

Cal Row
Deadlift - 135/95
Burpee Box Jump - 20"
Toe's to Bar
Push Jerk 80/55
Air Squat

Deadlift- must stand with knees locked out and hips open, your shoulders must finish behind the bar.
Burpee Box Jump- Burpee first, with thighs and chest hitting the floor then jump on to box. Heels must be on box with hips open.
T2B- Both feet must hit the bar, you can jump, swing or kip.
Push Jerk- You may press, push press or push jerk the weight. Weight starts on your shoulders and ends above your head with hips, knees and elbows at full extension.
Wall climbs- start in push-up position chest on floor, walk your feet up the wall, chest(sternum) must touch the wall then walk your feet back down the wall back into push up position chest again must touch the floor.


Bussom36 said...

Awesome work today! We are 3 weeks in with 3 weeks left. Just all are really Amping up your game....Sorry about axing "Spiderman", just not enough time.
Pleae be sure to check back for the updated scores. I hope to have them posted by sun-down.

Bussom36 said...

Great work Kacie.....I'm hearing nothing but great things about the yoga class!

Kacie said...

Thanks Bus! Great job this morning everyone! You'll all be yogis before you know it!

Zimnock said...

...9 reps. 9 freggin reps!