Saturday, February 12, 2011

2-12-11 "Fast and Furious"

Lord and Lady Week 5
For time:

Wod 1- 500m row

Wod 2- 50 wall balls (20 to 10'/ 14 to 8')

Wod 3- 50 kbs (35/26)

*2 minute rest between each move
*2 minute time cap for each Wod

After Wod 1,2, 3 each person completes a ~85yd sled pull (100/75)


Credit Corner said...

Bus.... I used 20lb ball for wall balls today.

Bussom36 said...

Nice work Pal, I'll change it on the spread sheet

Josh Wagner said...

awesome work Guys and Gals!

That programming definitely fit its name "Fast and Furious"