Thursday, February 24, 2011

2-25-11 "DT"


5 rounds for time of:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks

Male 155#
Female 110#
*15 min time cap

Strength and Technique: Deadlift
5pm- COME FOR THE FUN, Lots of reps Heavy wt, Light wt, sure to feel your @ss, ham's and back when leaving:) Last weeks Front Squat sent everyone on their way jello legged!

Snatchalicious from CrossFit Apex on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Crossfitanchorage said...

"DT" Rx 17:48

Didn't make the 15:00 min cap, but it still felt good to complete the WOD prescribed. That was definitely a first for me to complete "DT" Rx. Good luck to all tonight. Zim, looking good my friend.

Semper Fi,