Thursday, March 3, 2011

3-4-11 "Rowboed"

15 rounds
150m row
15 push ups
15 ab mat sit ups


Erik said...

15 ROUNDS...that must be a typo.

Josh Wagner said...

no no my friend there is no typo here :)

Enjoy this round at a time...


hubby keeps logging me out of Blogger!!! I know how you feel Eustice :) haha

Kacie said...

Can someone remind me what day and time we are doing the Warrior Dash?? I know Adele wants to sign up with us!

Tanya said...

Warrior Dash is June 11th and 12th.

Here is the link!

Thatta girl Adele!!!

Bill H said...

started the WOD Rx'd. after round 4, my triceps were spent, so switched to modified pushups. at round 11 i came up against my wall. i pushed through and finished. feels great to get through these things.

Unknown said...

I loved this workout! The love didn't come until I was finished, though.

Julia said...

In response to Bill and Camille above, and the rest of the a.m. crew, GREAT push on a really long WOD. everyone stayed strong. it was inspiring being with you all.

Bussom36 said...

Hit this one at school today! Situps became tough real quick!


Lauren P. said...

Thank YOU Julia for keeping us going!!!

Zach Miller said...


Zach Miller said...

check out this amazing future crossfitter 8 yr old

Dan J said...

badass mohawk, i wouldnt even want to look at that kid weird