Tuesday, July 12, 2011


5 rounds for time:

20 hammer swings from right side
20 hammer swings for the left side
100 double unders

*substitution for double unders is 200 single jump ropes

Can you identify all of the flippers?


SharonLS said...

I thought the sub for DU was triple the number for singles?

Josh Wagner said...

Not for this WOD too much!

Bussom36 said...

Loosen up the shoulders!
Zimrock set the tone with the top time on the board....14:09, he got me by almost 2 minutes.

Stregnth class: we are testing max Back Sqt and Jerk, eat your Paleo Wheeties before you enter tonight

Dan J said...

If only they made Paleo Wheeties.....God I miss cereal.

Nice work Zim!

Zimnock said...

great work all around tonight but Kutty takes the crown

Josh Wagner said...

what about the flippers??? I still can't tell who fancy pants is???


Josh Wagner said...

Oh and GREAT job this AM Zim and Cody M on his 1st muscle up!!! Great work all around today on this one AM crew :) Everyone made it under the cap...nice work :)


Molly said...

Tanya, Thanks for putting up such flattering pictures?!*?! I know who all the flippers are, but I’ll protect their names. Fancy pants is the one who was looking forward to going to the circus for the first time.