Tuesday, August 9, 2011

8-10-11 "Tabata Something Else"


8 rounds
20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest=1 rd
Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups
Air squats

*Score is total reps of each of the 4 moves.
(Wod is completed by finishing all 8 rounds of one exercise prior to moving to the next exercise. The order is as posted)
10-29-10 Last time we completed TSE

The 6:30am Wod is cancelled for tomorrow however the 6:30am class will resume Tuesday and Wednesday next week.


Julia Spencer said...

So... I think I'll be going for a 80-100 rep PR tomorrow.

Shanna Rocked the House last time, with not only her numbers but she did the wod twice in 2 hours! :)

Dan J said...

I miss you guys and I'm mad I have to miss this wod. I will hopefully be seeing all of you Saturday! Enjoy this one for me!

Crossfit Hanover has been a lot of fun and have been so good to me. Great people, nice facility, if you're ever in the area check them out!

Also, I've been attending their 430am classes....wow haha. Hardest part for me is not the waking up or getting out of bed its the not taking my shirt off during the wod because I dont want to be "that guy" just YET.