Wednesday, August 10, 2011

8-11-11 "How bad do you want it?"

30 Minute LADDER
1 deadlift
1 hang power clean

*Men 95lbs, Women 65lbs
Each round you will add 1 rep to each movement however each movement must be completed unbroken. You may rest between movements and you may rest as long as you need however there are consequences.

Consequences for no reaching a certain unbroken mark because of failure or 30min time cap.
If you fail to reach 5 minutes of 5 reps unbroken you must run 2 miles.
If you fail to reach 10 minutes or 10 reps unbroken you must run 1 mile.
If you fail to reach 15 minutes or 15 reps unbroken you must run 800m.

*Guess who joined the MU Club!


Bussom36 said...

Trash is paying off!

Kurt said...

E-Rock!!! You are the man, that looked way to easy. Keep up the awesome work.

Kacie said...

That's AWESOME!! Congrats!!

Josh Wagner said...

Dude that is amazing! I am so proud of you Eric. I must say even more of an accomplishment is that you are the oldest CrossFit Apex athlete to have a muscle up. That is freakin awesome! I bet you are on cloud 9 right now!

Josh Wagner said...

UPDATE as for the Spartan Race. For those CrossFit Apex athletes that would like to run the race free of charge they are asking that you help volunteer for atleast 1/2 the day at the event. In return they will allow you to run the race. As for the after race throwdown and us helping Judge, they are not ready for the throwdown to take place so volunteering is your only option in order to run for Free. Please let me know if you are interested and I can send in your name.

Zimnock said...

eROCK you the man
and wags im all over that

Bussom36 said...

Who's next?
Melissa, Angie, Nicole, Teresa, Kacie, Jessica, Crush or Elyse?
The Womans Race is on!

Kurt said...

Was I seeing things or did I see a tire flip wod posted on here last night?

Dave "BDD" said...

Hey! What happened to the tireflips and sled pulls! I didn't pack my big socks!


Erik said...

Thanks for all the compliments. I must admit it felt pretty cool getting up there. So, when do i learn the secret handshake...haha. Might not see you guys for a week or so because its VACATION TIME for the Petersens. Have fun and see you soon.

Josh Wagner said...

Have fun on Vacation Erik. Yes I did change the wod Bussom gave you'all a sneak peak at tomorrow.

This wod is great. The 7 ladies at the am did awesome.
Shanna 45lbs 9 rounds (ran 1 mile)
Also had an opps on the 1st overhead squat 2 mile run however we let it slide:)
Sharon 45lbs 15 rounds at the buzzer! Awesome arms shaking and all.
Colleen 35lbs 13rds?
Patti 15rds and some change (35lbs and sand pvc OHS)
Missy just under the 15 rd mark bummer! 35lbs
Amy just under the 15 rd mark bummer. 45lbs

Everyone except for Patti and Sharon had to hit a run. 15 total rounds is the high. Can anyone hit 16+ I guess we'll wait and see in the pm. Bring your strategy.

Shanna said...

You're killin me Josh =)

NICE WORK ERIC THAT IS AWESOME!! Also way to hang on Patti and Sharon, great work.

Josh Wagner said...

Erik that is awesome! Congratulations all your hard work has paid off!!! Good for you! Next year Masters Games!!! I can smell it :)


Julia Spencer said...

Great Job Erik!!!! Now we just need to get Lauren in the club! ;)

I saw Missy running on my way past this morning. I ran 2 miles this morning as my consequence for missing the WOD today. ;)

Great work am crew!!!

Looking forward to the sled pull tom.