Monday, August 13, 2012

8/14/12- Diane

Deadlift- 225/155#
*10 min cap

Olympic Event  #6- Broad Jump-
 1 minute to find max distance.
Measured from heel to line. Must stick the landing, otherwise it = 0


Jessica said...

Chris G made a run for first in the broad jump in the 9am class--TIED Derek's jump at 8'6"!!! Who will beat these guys tonight? Outstanding work, fellas!

Julia said...

I heard an old lady won took the title for the womens' jump!!!!

Erik said...

Nicely done Julia!!!

Julia said...

I actually think that broad jump was one of my specialities in 8th grade. I think I could do even better. Maybe I will work that instead of muscle ups for a while...perhaps i will feel a little more successful :)

Teresa said...

Julia, I don't think Melissa would like you calling her an old lady since she took the female broad jump at 7' 1". DOH

Julia said...

Ahhhhh! I'm gonna have to keep working on my leaping skills!