Tuesday, August 14, 2012

8/15/12- Randy

75 Power Snatches 75/55#

*8 min cap

Olympic Event #7- Max Snatch
3 min to find max snatch- you may start with weight on the bar.

*Remember to keep your shoulders active like Mike Eustice!


Michael said...

Yeah. Be more like me... and join the AC triathlon! w00t!


Bussom36 said...

Yeah Boy! Fantastic Mike....who's next?

Bussom36 said...

Sorry Oly Folks....I was in a rush after class and forgot to take a picture of the board...I apologize, but here is what I remember.
Bus -210
Pete N- 205
Mike B- 185
BDD- 165
zimrock - 155
Erik- 150
Josh I. 140- but hit 150 after the 3 min!
Kurt S.- 135
Austin M - 115
Matt W-115
Rich C- 95
Molly- 90
Larynn- 90
Karen N- 65
Kelly C- 50

*Please chime in with your max Snatch.
I will have a picture up by tomorrow after the 9am.
Sorry if I messed anyones numbers up
2 events left.....keep up the hard work.....who will be atop the podium on Saturday?