Thursday, August 16, 2012

8/17/12- In the trenches

20 min AMRAP
200 m Sandbag run and sledge if available
20 Sledgehammers
100 m sled pull 90/45#
20 Front Rack Lunges 45/30#

*Calling all HELPERS and Trucks! Tomorrow is moving day....Who's in?
Tomorrow will be our last Olympic Event! Who's going to bring home the gold?

Josh and Tanys's Steve's Club Advertisement


Bekah Bus said...

This commercial is so great! The middle of the night snack is so hilarious. And AJ is too cute. Nice work Wagners!

Crossfitanchorage said...

Great commercial !! It worked too, I am on the website buying paleo kits and cereal.... anything to help us through this 30 day paleo challenge. =)

Missy said...

Love those videos - what an awesome family!! BTW - the stats picture for 8/16/12 is incorrect. OOPS!!