Thursday, August 23, 2012

8/24/12- Bar Brawl- c/o Explode

Reps 21...15...9 for time of:

Deadlift 95/55#
Hang Cleans 95/55#
Front Sqts 95/55#
Push Jerks 95/55#

*Reminder- Our 8 am class will be head at SVS at 9am

The first class in action at Forman Rd


Lauren P. said...

There is still a 6:00 am class tomorrow correct?

SharonLS said...

It says so on the calendar...come to 9! I want to see my girls!

Lauren P. said...

I know it! I have to come at 6:00 so I can come back for Justin's 10:30 class. Grace is sick of sitting in CrossFit for 2 I have to pick my battles wisely:)

Dave "BDD" said...

I'm planning to be there at 6.

Bussom36 said...

Check out our friends at Explode

Who do you spy in the video?