Thursday, October 11, 2012

10/12/12- Mainsite WOD

3 rounds for time of:
100' walking lunge
60' handstand walk
*Scale 60sec cumulative Handstand Hold
50 KBS 35/26

*20 min cap

There's a new Deadlift Sheriff
at Apex.....Pete pulls 520#
Cues or thoughts?


Nen said...

Way to go Pete!!! So proud of you!

Bekah Bus said...

That was awesome! Nice work Pete!

Crossfitanchorage said...

Pete you made that look easy. I think there's more in the tank brother, just be careful not to "grip and rip" off the ground. Should be a more controlled ascent. Nice work man!

Clayton said...

That was awesome. Great work Pete!

Josh Wagner said...

Amazing. That is 3 of me!:) Good things have only just begun for you Pete. Let the games begin!

cmarlin0911 said...

Awesome Job Pete! You should be so proud of your accomplishments thus far!

Bussom36 said...

Way to own the weight! Pete

What's CF mean to you?

Think about it, then watch this about saving peoples lives!
This kid is 17 years old and games bound. Truely inspiring
Hits home even more having little ones of my own now.

Josh Wagner said...

Absolutely inspiring, tears rolling watching that video Bus. I pray that as many people as possible get the exposure to CrossFit in their lifetime just because of the impacts it can have on your life. Again great video.

Teresa said...

Pete, I love how you just saunter up to the bar and show it who's boss. NIce!

Erik said...

Pete = strong doubt, nice work brotha.

Bus..I saw that video on the mainsite. It's hard not to tear up at the end when the dad says "I just want him to do well" because as a parent that is my one and only goal...I want my kids to do well in anything they do whether its sports or not.

FOr example, my son faced a 16 year old pitcher last night who threw in the 80's. He fouled off 3 pitches and took the kid to a full count. Most kids on our team struck out in 3 straight pitches. I have no doubt that crossfit has helped Justin with his confidence more than anything. Keep pushing us Apex it is only making us better.

LaRynn Blair said...

Saw that video last Sunday!! So inspiring braught tears to my eyes. It's amazing how crossfit is changing lives and giving people second chances at succeeding!

Great job Pete I'm so proud/happy for you! Keep working hard and more pr's are bound to follow :)

cmarlin0911 said...

Thanks for sharing this video, Bus! It truly hits home for me as Teresa can attest to, the fundamentals of health and nutrition combined with Crossfit and a Paleo lifestyle have provided me with a new lease on life!

Michael said...

Can I be the Deadlift Deputy? Push Press Policeman?.. Is this thing on?