Saturday, October 20, 2012

10/20/12 "OctoberFest #2"

20 minutes to complete the following

6 min AMRAP of:
5 dips
10 SDHP 95/65
1 mile run
in the remaining time you will find your
Max _________?

Don't we all just feel like this somedays! Or should I say most days.


Bussom36 said...

APEX, great work this morning! Stellar AM crew and kippers!

Kippers, on the way home I was thinking about the gymnastic grip. Where else besides the box, could you practice keeping your knuckles on top?

cmarlin0911 said...

On the monkey bars at a park...

Josh Wagner said...

On your steering wheel while taking a sharp turn!

Clayton said...

Arm wrestling..."when I turn my hat around it's like flippin a switch"

Bussom36 said...

All fantastic answers!
Flipping the switch being the most creative along with giving me a chuckle.
I was thinking steering wheel, not only when you turn but all the time. You can swtich hands or go with the ole 10 and 2.
Get comfy being comfortable!

Bussom36 said...

Congrats to Shanna B. for taking
2nd place in her 5k today!
Congrats to Vik, Terry and her daughter Shannon on their mud run!

Did I miss anyone? If so, hollar!

Erik said...

Congrats to Justin's baseball team for losing?? O'well, at least he went 1-3 with an RBI.

Brian O said...

Fanks!! Mitch also got 3rd in his age group =)
