400 m Run
8 Power Cleans 155/105#
12 C2B
Games Prep Class
(Participants please post your scores to comments for all games prep classes)
1. Box Squat
work up to a 1RM - 1" below parallel and with 1-2 abmats or foam.
2. Front Squat
3 x 6
3. Glute Ham Raises
3 x max reps
4. AMRAP 10:
300m Row
30 Abmat Sit ups
Apex ....Great work this AM! Good Luck to all who are attending their Level 1 this wknd
1. 265#
2. 155#/165#/170#
3. 8/10/7
4. 4 Rounds + 300/12
Good work this morning everyone!
1. 205#
2. 95/105/115
3. 7/8/6
4. 4rds+300/9
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