Tuesday, November 13, 2012

11/14/12- Raise the Roof

400 M run
3 Snatch 135/85#
5 OHS 135/85#
10 Push Jerks 135/85# ( No Splitting)

*Time Cap- 20 min

What's worthy of a roof raise? 


Bussom36 said...

TW.....any reason for a roof raise?

Josh Wagner said...

Can u say 200#clean and jerk. Oh by the way that was following a 130# snatch then to add to the mix a 210# front squat. All completed with 10 min for each movement and no warm up using the barbell allowed. I thought I would answer for my wife.

Go gettem tonight with raise the roof. Gdlk!

Bussom36 said...

Moving on up....I hit a 235# snatch this afternoon

Tanya said...

Atta Boy Bussom! - Josh

Now get me 240# THIS WEEKEND!