25 KBS 53/35#
20 Strict Press 95/65#
15 Hang DB Sqt Cln +25/-25#
Time Cap - 18 min
*Post time to comments
Games Class:
1. Clean Ladder- Warm up as needed- 225/155 add 10# every min
Continue as long as possible. If you miss you are done- treat this like a comp ladder.
*Must be finished by 7:30
2. Front Sqt- 2 RM
3. The Admiral
20 Burpee Pullups- 6-10" above max reach
20 Front Sqts 155#
20 Box Jumps 24/20"
Register your name as apart of the CrossFit Apex Affiliate for Hope For Kenya. Please invite family and friends to help donate and lets build a school in Kenya. Invite them to the Hope for Kenya Wod on Feb 16th @ Apex 9am.
You can sign up at the top of this Wod page.
10:41 26# kb, 33# (empty oly bar), 15# db. The kbs into the presses was tiring; the cleans almost felt like a break. Hanging on to the swings straight and keeping the rest in chunks of 5 helped me hold a faster pace.
13:02 35/35/20
13:06 35/45/20
12:17 Rx.. Dang Presses were rough :P
11:37 26/30/15
14:02 Rx
The standards will continue to be upheld at Apex....Keithy just passed the 2013 Crossfit Judges Course!
35# kb
35# strict press
#20 db
Congratulations Keithy!!!
9:54 18#kb, 25#, 15# db
9:40 44/80/15
KBs got tough on the back.
Jerk Warm Up
255 - 1/Min
185 - 1/30 Sec
135 - 1/15 Sec
14:34, 44/75/30. Went too heavy on the press and the dumbell squat cleans...not fun tonight.
11:40 35/50/30
6:30 26 # KB, 30 # strict press, 14# medicine ball for squat cleans
split jerk warm up
100- 1/min
80- 1/30
Strict presses were tough third round!
Congrats Keith!!!
20# KB, 20#, 10#
Definitely struggled with strict press through the whole workout. Love KBS!!
10:23 26/30/15
presses were tough/heavy..struggled with form
13:08 36/65/26
10:41. 35# kb, 45# strict press, 25# dB. Julia Barndt was definitely pushing me.
Death by Clean & Jerk
8 Rounds + 3 - 135#
2.Games Class
245# Clean
275# 2RM Front Squat
16:48 Rx
5pm and 6pm classes great job tonight. We got through a ton of work and everyone did a real nice job with the workout. Sorry to run over just a bit.
1. Snatch from blocks (first time doing this)
3x1 - Heavy 215#,215#, 215#F,215#F,215# (happy)
2x2 - Moderate 185#F,185#F, 185#,185#
Set the blocks up just above the knee
Josh Last Post:)
Come on peeps I see alot of names missing!
For Dillon:
warmup- 45# split jerk
workout- 5:56 15#KB, 8#Dbs, 8#medball
Games Class:
1. Clean Ladder- 225# PR
2. 2 Rep Max Front Squat- 235# PR
3. 18:10 135# The burpee pull ups were not fun at all.
morning: 13:17 26#kb 35#bb 20db
evening: 9:39 26#kb 25#bb 20db
Strict presses were no joke. Broke alot in the am workout.
26 KB/20 bar/12 DB
Games Class:
1. 150# - failed at 155# three times
2. 165#
3. 16:32 95# front squat
12:35 35/45/30 hang db squat cleans were rough!
Games Class:
1. Missed first wod, finishing 6pm class
2. 205# 2 rep max front squat
3. 18:10 95# front squat
Felt awesome to be back in games class again after a month and a half off!
11:14 20 #kb 25# press db
7:45, 26# KB, 40# strict press, 14# med ball for squat cleans
110# for split jerk 1/minute
90# for split jerk 1/30 secs
12:46 53# / 65# / 30# Strict press were difficult. The 2nd & 3rd rounds were broken down in sets of 5.
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