Thursday, January 31, 2013

2/1/13- Quick Sand

4 rounds for time of:
100ft walking lunge OH 25/10#
15 box jump 24/20
25 ring rows or bar up right rows

*post time to comments

Register your name as apart of the CrossFit Apex Affiliate for Hope For Kenya. Please invite family and friends to help donate and lets build a school in Kenya. Invite them to the Hope for Kenya Wod on Feb 16th @ Apex 9am.
You can sign up at the top of this Wod page.

*Good Luck to the Apex Athletes competing in the
CF215 Partner Throwdown!
*Good Luck to the Apex-ers who are hitting the trails this Saturday!

There will be no Games Prep Class on Saturday.

5 extra years - by Hearty Films- click here


Unknown said...

13:58 - 5#, 16" stepping, and rows in table. I was so worried at the start of the WOD about my shoulders but it was quads that were cooked. I almost ate it on my first jump... But I was happy with my rows and the angle that Tanya helped me find. Also excited about learning the row climbing holds!

Lauren P. said...

ring rows
16 " box
10# plate

Box jumps are such a weakness of mine. I started with a 20" but after the lunges dropped to a 16". That first jump after lunges watch out! Felt great on the ring rows!

Michelle Fluck said...

15:62 10 lb on lunges, 14" box jump! Was going to use 16" but there were other people on them so i used the boxes over at the warm up area. Not sure what they r called. Used rings table top. I thought it was a good work out!

Jane T. said...

10# plate
16" box
bar up right rows (Ttop)

Back to cycling box jumps after knee injury...between those and the lunges...Holy Quads Batman!

Unknown said...

Just realized I got auto-corrected on 'rope climbing' haha

RobC said...

- 15# Plate for Lunges
- 20" Box
- Tabletop Rows from stationary bar

The first box jump in each round was a doozy coming out of the lunges!

Will be "applying my fitness" over the next week with a handful of ski days in PA and VT. Time to see how all of these box jumps, lunges and squats has boosted my skiing :)

Anonymous said...

15:53 for 4 rounds, 25# for plate lunged, 24 inch box, used rings with 16 inch box for feet for ring rows

Chris G said...

15:00 for 4 rounds, 25# plate lunge, ring rows, 24" box jumps

Bernadette said...

20" box
Ring Rows table top

Unknown said...


Erik said...

16:01 rx.

Anonymous said...

11:30 Rx and used a 45 lb plate for 2 rounds..then saw a lone 25 lb plate and grabbed it for the last 2 rounds.. Hit 2 Rm front before got a PR with 255 and hit zuercher squats for the first time ever 3 of 205 (hit my biceps more than my legs)

Bekah Bus said...

bar rows

Unknown said...

14:50- 20 inch box- bar rows-25 pound plate for lunges

Julia said...

12:02, bar ring rows

PS Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow! If anyone would like to come along for the trail run, we'll be meeting near the Visitors' Center off of May Hall Rd. tomorrow at 11 a.m. If anyone wants to follow me over from the box, I'll be leaving there at around 10:25.


Shanna said...


Good luck tomorrow competing Apexians!

Hoping to make the trail run tomorrow.

Missy said...

14:55 Bar rows - table top

Unknown said...

18:34. Rx. This WOD was tough.

In the warm-up, I think I finally found a way to do the rope climb effectively. I had overhead someone mention a few weeks ago mention that when she does rope climbs, she uses the toes-to-bar technique. I tried that today, and it really worked. I was able to get up the rope in 3 big motions.

CMI said...

14:25 - I think. 10# 20" box, bar rows tabletop.

The only thing that got me was box jumps, getting over my first box jump injury was a mental struggle for me today - wish I could have cycled rather than stepping down.

Unknown said...

Just registered for the 2013 CrossFit Open!

Angie said...

For Dillon:
warmup 25# snatch complex

WOD- 4:55, 15#plate