Sunday, September 4, 2016

9/5/16- Do Work! LABOR DAY

Team Family Affair

Teams of 3 * Teams of 3 will rotate through each station to accumulate max distance/reps/weights. Each rotation will be determined by the length of time it takes each team to run 600m as a group with weight vests (45/20; scale run so times are close to 3 minutes). Once the team has returned from the run there will be a 1 min transition period. If there are not enough teams for a group to be on the run, then a 3 minute cap will be set for each station. Station 1: Max rounds lifting sandbags through bay door. There will be 9 sandbags total. Once all sandbags are through the door, athletes will climb through the bay door and carry the sandbags down the steps to their original starting position. Once all the bags have been returned, another round may be started. Station 2: Tire flip for distance. Cones will be set and a total distance will be recorded. 2 people work at a time Station 3: Max sledge hammer strikes. One person works at a time. Partner deadlift in order for work to be completed (275/185) Station 4: Max weight stone to shoulder. Two people work at a time. Third team member must hold a goblet squat for work to be completed (53/35) Station 5: Max reps thrusters (95/65). One person works at a time

OPEN GYM New Schedule for Open Gym Starts Monday Monday 5am - 6am, 7pm - 8:30pm Tuesday 5am - 6am, 3:30pm - 5pm Wednesday 3:30pm - 5pm, 7pm - 8:30pm Thursday 5am - 6am, Friday 3:30 - 5pm, Saturday 7:30am - 9am Sunday 11am - 12:30pm (starts Sept 10th) Reminders for Open Gym: Open gym is a class that is encouraged for all of our members at Apex. This class is not just for those that train for competitions or those that may be more competitive than others. We welcome ALL. Open Gym is a time to work on supplemental work and weaknesses. Keep in mind that VOLUME does not result in better fitness rather INTENSITY is what creates results. More does not mean better, better is better. Use this time to push yourself in ways you may not in group classes. For some of you that means going up weight on movements that intimidate you. For others, it's decreasing the weights on the barbell so you can be faster and more intense. Maybe it's the double under or kip that you just need more time practicing that skill, this is the time. Open gym will now have weekly posted supplemental work for Gymnastics Skills along with Strength Work. This work will be posted Sunday on the Apex Blog page. Pre-Requisites to participate in Apex Open Gym -Must be Ok'd by an Apex Trainer before attending -Show competence in CrossFit movements and know safe and appropriate scaling/weights by training consistently at Apex (usually ~3 months) -Must have an active membership at Apex Rules for OG -Must attend Apex group classes weekly. There are no "OG" memberships. (OG is meant to supplement Apex Group classes) -Members please sign in for OG using Mind Body same as you do for group classes. -Record your name on the white board followed by your results for that days work. -OG ends when group classes start *times listed above

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