Thursday, September 8, 2016

9/9/- Posterior Explosion

Game Time

21-18-15-12-9 200m Run Deadlifts (225/135)


Todd said...

Endurance WOD

Just Sandy
In teams of 2
For Time
400m Sandbag carry (60/40) (both partners must be carrying the sandbag)
40 pull ups ( cumulative – 1 person working at a time)
30 burpees (in unison)
300m sandbag carry (both partners must be carrying the sandbag)
40 hang cleans (115/75) (cumulative)
30 shoulder to OH (115/75) (cumulative)
200m Sandbag carry (same as above)
40 box jumps (24/20)(cumulative)
30 cal row (each)

Frank Heffelfinger said...

10:49 @ 185#

RobC said...

@ Open Gym

10:41 @95#

Nursing a strained calf, sub'd 1min on Airdyne for the 200m runs.