Thursday, May 26, 2011

5-27-11 "Light Weight Linda-Cindy"

Reps of 10-1 of:
Deadlift 1.5xbw
Bench Press 1x bw
Squat clean .75 x bw

*each lift should be 1/2 of your normal Linda weights (for example if your standard DL for Linda is 270, this Wod you will use 135) Listed above are the normal Linda breakdowns.

Following each round of Linda you must complete 1 round of Cindy
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squat



Dan J said...

I wish I didn't have work until 5 today, this sounds like a fun one.

Shanna said...

Dodge ball tournament this Sunday 1pm at the Mayfair in Allentown. Anyone interested? I've seen some O'Doyle skills at Apex.