Sunday, May 29, 2011


*Memorial Day, formally known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. Service Members who died while in military Service .

Here at APEX we are recognizing a soldier who lives among us and is extremely dedicated and passionate about the United States and Crossfit.

New Apex Hero WOD:


2-4-6-8- who do we appreciate?

30 min AMRAP

2 Rope Climbs

400 M Run

6 Pull-Ups

6 Dead Lifts 225#

8 Push ups

*I had to get 66 in there for BlackHawk 66
Be sure to take time to reflect & Thank all the US Service men/woman that provide us with the great gift of FREEDOM!


Crossfitanchorage said...

Thank you for this. All of you guys at Apex are great Americans, and I am damn proud to be a part of your community. I am currently in Boston, so I won't be in this am to tackle this WOD, but I will be doing it this week once I return. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Have a wonderful Memorial Day.

Semper Fidelis,

Bussom36 said...

Tough WOD!
6rds +2 rope climbs n 300 m run

Enjoy the day!

Bussom36 said...

Tough WOD!
6rds +2 rope climbs n 300 m run

Enjoy the day!

Dan J said...

I always miss out on the good ones! Awesome wod josh I definitely need to try this one when I get back

Josh Wagner said...

You all can Thank Bussom for the programming of this Wod. It was all his doing. Vic Thanks for all you do brotha. Nice work today everyone.

7 rds 2 rope climbs 100m run