Tuesday, June 28, 2011

6-29-11 "Filthy Fifty"


For time:
50 bj 24"/20"
50 jumping pull ups
50 KBS 35#/26"
50 walking lunge steps
50 KTE
50 PP 45/30
50 back extensions
50 wall ball shots 20/14 10'
50 burpees
50 double unders

*time cap 30 minutes
Click here for last time we did Filthy Fifty

Josh taking on Yesterdays WOD


Chuck said...

Oh no!!! :(

SharonLS said...

awwww yeah!!!!!!!!!!

Dave "BDD" said...

Kacie, you said something yesterday about chippers . . . !

Bussom36 said...

JW, nice video!
Save the legs a bit and use your arms when you Box jump!
All in all, stellar work!

Who's going unbroken today?

Julia Spencer said...

What? No consequence for not finishing under the time cap?

Julia said...

6:30 did great with this first thing. Colleen's first shot at Filthy 50...great last couple of minutes from everybody

Lauren P. said...

Yet another Filthy Fifty I manage to escape! I have never done one. And no, Josh I am not coming in tonight......I am a morning girl only:)

Josh Wagner said...

18:28, 9 sec pr felt like poop going into FF however came out alright. Glad thats over:)