Sunday, December 11, 2011

12-12-11 "dead leg"

6 min amrap
3 Deadlift 185/135
5 Box jump 24/20

5 min rest

For Time:
Thruster 95/65
Toes to Bar
(time cap 10 min)

Question: What is wrong with this picture? Answer: This is a speed rope, not a chinese jump rope. (remember those!)

Please DO NOT tie knots in the wire jump ruins them and they don't spin properly. If the rope is too long, use a different one. Feel free to put knots in the black ropes but remember to take them out when returning them to the wall, otherwise they get kinked up for the next person. Thank you for abiding by our rope etiquette.

PS: if we find a little present like this again we just might need to create a good little double under workout that will leave everyone running away from the ropes for a while:)


Bussom36 said...

2 for the price of 1.....fantastic!

Julia Spencer said...

It wasn't me!!! (LOL) Miss you guys!!!

LaRynn Blair said...

Just saw this on twitter and freaked out! "Top male score for WOD7 Barber is Josh Wagner from #Crossfit Apex at 10:34. Josh is in 2nd place with 53 points. #beast"
CONGRATS Mr. Wagner!!!! :)

Bussom36 said...

Good find Larynn.... But are you really tweeting?
Josh has been crushing it! He's taken 2 first and a third out of 7 WOD's! Not too shabby, the comp started with 250 athletes.

Moose isn't too far behind, he's sitting in 9th place going into the last WOD.
We couldn't be prouder of the two of them! 1 and done boys!

LaRynn Blair said...

Of course I am on twitter, someone has to keep up with Iceland Annie, Rogue, AgainFaster, Froning...ect! And wow great job to both of you! It pumps me up seeing them dominate!!! They're totally awesomee, keep it up!

Kurt said...

Bus, You are too modest. You forgot to mention yourself being in 18th place. Great work! KurtS

Julia Spencer said...

Wow!!! Nicely Done Apex Guys!!!! :) Keep the awesomeness!