Monday, December 5, 2011

12-6-11 "Fran"


21-15-9 for time of:
Thrusters 95/65
Pull ups

Time cap 10 min

Last time 1-20-11

How many first timers do we have doing Fran? The most famous WOD of CrossFit. The wod that has created the word lung burn and fire breather. Everyone wants to know your Fran time. Here goes nothing. 
One of the fastest Fran times every recorded! Insane.


SharonLS said...

I'll have to do this one on my own!

Bussom36 said...

And the butterflies have already begun!

I hate Fran!

Erik said...

That video is nuts!

Dan J said...

This is going to be my first time doing it at RX, I'm freaking out haha

Michael said...

oh noes

Teresa said...


Kacie said...

Would anyone else like to do this?

A bunch of us did the event last year at 610 in Allentown, and it was a lot of fun. I believe that even if you don't do everything Rx, you can still participate. Good times!

Bussom36 said...

I'm in for the Pa's Fittest
Stay Tuned for
2011 Holiday Throwdown

Bekah Bus said...

Can't wait to meet her...

Moose said...

Can I do the chest pass thruster on my last rep like the guy in the video?

...He was moving though I'll give him that. Going for Sub 3:40 :)

See all you firebreathers tonight!!

Moose said...


Kacie's Post: PA's Fittest looks like an awesome time. I registered on Sunday. I encourage all you apexer's to get out there compete if you're interested at all. Even if you think youre not ready for something like a competition... competitors of all abilities show up and the more Apex peeps the merrier. APEX TAKEOVER!! A strong crowd is always a lot of fun for a throwdown:) Register and see how far your hard work has gotten you!! :)

SharonLS said...

Garage games look fun!! I'd love to fit it into my schedule--any other scalers--please join me--Missy? Lauren???

LaRynn Blair said...

I would love to do something like that obviously scaled...would I be able to? Sounds like so much fun and a great experience of Crossfit competing!

Kurt said...

I am a first timer to Fran. KurtS

ThunderRuss said...

Looking forward to an evening with Fran!

Bussom36 said...

Yes, anyone and everyone can enter the comp, scaled or not to scale: that's the question!

Check out our front page, it's a great lil jump starter for Pa's Fittest and the Open(Feb!)

Dan J said...

The Open starts in Feb!?!

Angie said...

Kurt and I took on this lovely lady this AM.

Exciting morning for Kurt since he'd never met her before. Awesome work!! Rx'd with a solid time! Great stuff-- even with me counting and yelling in his face!J

As for myself, I've seen Fran more times than I like to think about, actually, I try not to think about it---thinking about Fran at all makes me feel sick!

It was a good morning though, with a 49 second PR from Jan. I'll take it. 5:07 (Thanks for the rep count & encouragement, Kurt!)

Have fun all you in the PM!!

Josh Wagner said...

Open starts feb 22nd! Angie great time on Fran. Can't wait to see pm crew hit fran. Cya all tonight.

Bussom36 said...

I still hate Fran! She tore me PR for Keithy.....but there's always next time.

Page said...

who would have thought adding 30# (light fran to rx fran) would add 2 minutes! that was B.R.U.T.A.L.

Page said...

That previous comment was Dan!