Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1-20-11 "Fran"

Apex Best WOD

Reps of 21-15-9 for time of:

Thrusters 95/65
Pull ups

The differences CrossFit can make for you!


Zimnock said...

my girl

Josh Wagner said...

Is this your first time Zim? You need to go after it!!! What you shootin for?

Dan J said...

I can never miss out on a visit from fran! tad bit nervous though

Anonymous said...

Working up in the poconos tomorrow so I might not be able to make it in. Give Fran all you have for me!

Zimnock said...

ill shoot for 4 minutes wags. and come on kutty this is calling to you and your lifting shoes!

Shanna said...

Angie you are the epitome of what consistant hard work can and will do for you. You are such a great motivator and inspiration! Thanks for being awesome!

Michael said...

Angie!! Way to go!

Oh man I'm gonna miss Fran. I can't make it today :( I never got so close to barfing after a workout than when Josh taped me in this wod. Remember that Josh? Good luck all.

Tanya said...

All the fun Fran memories came flooding back to Josh and I last night...Yes, Mike I remember that too! I have never seen you go into the tank so bad :) it was good stuff!

Great work this AM with Angie and Missy! I remember their first Fran's over at our cottage back in the summer of 2008!

Just as these pictures show Angie's awesome morph, she morphed her previous Fran time of 6:30 with a RED BAND to an RX Fran today of 5:56!!! Solid work girl!

Zimnock I love that you're shooting for a 4 min, good stuff! Can't wait to see it!

Cory said...

crossfitting almost 2 years and first time doing fran, cant wait!!!

Tanya said...

What a workout and Thank goodness it is over. I hit my goal of sub 3 min with a 2:55 time. Its over for now.

Bussom36 said...

I missed my goal and I also missed a couple of Math Classes.
I had extreme trouble counting during this wod. (That's what happens when your stop taking fish oil for a week)

I'm going to get after it again tomorrow.
I hope the pounding in my head stops by then

Angie said...

Josh, thanks for that fantastic picture from the past- yikes! So happy not to be THAT girl anymore! :-)

Shanna, thanks for the kind words! My crossfit story just goes to show that crossfit (and some great trainers :-)) truly can help ANYONE!

That day of Badger in the park will forever be etched in my absolutely awful. However, it seems you gotta go through some awful to get to the good stuff- the great memories from Regionals & the 2010 Games are worth it!

And speaking of awful...Fran. Great work to everyone who took on this little lady today! There's nothing like a workout that basically guarantees ending in lung burn :-)
Josh, nice job with the sub 3!

Zimnock said...

i should have been there to count for you bus

Kacie said...

Truly inspirational, Angie! You have every right to proud of your accomplishments. Plus, AWESOME Fran time! Way to go!

Bussom36 said...

I needed you there!
Very embarrassing