Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12-7-11 "Open Sesame"

4 rounds for time of:
15 air squats
10 jerks (155/95)
20 air squats
5 jerks
15 air squats
10 jerks
20 air squats
5 jerks

*time cap 25 min

Nick from Jr. class hitting his first muscle ups. When you click on video video with play right side up! Congrats Nick.


Kacie said...

NOT sad I'm missing this tomorrow! My grip is so shot I could barely turn my steering wheel ;-)

Dan J said...

Puke. Check!

Erik said...

Nauseas for about 2 hours.

Bussom36 said...

Today is no joke either....it's not comparable to Fran and the Lung Burn she is know for! This WOD is more designed to who wants it more, you ro the clock?
Two Moves, one bar and a lot of sweat!
I took this one on this morning.....Good Luck Ya'll

Dan J said...

Cant this also be said as 8 rounds of 15 asquats, 10 jerks, 20 asquats, 5 jerks?

Bus - was this a leg burner?? And how was your grip after fran?

Bussom36 said...

My grip was fine, legs and air were horrible!
First and second round were not too shabby, 3rd and 4th- different story.

*Air Squats &Jerks are two of my trash moves.

Bussom36 said...

Open Sesame....If you don't open your hips, you will be done-so!