Wednesday, December 7, 2011

12/8/11- You decide

For time:

2000 M row

150 KBS 35/26

150 Double Unders

*Break it up however you would like!


SharonLS said...

Choose one? LOL I know, it's do all three, but however you want, right?

Kevin Metz said...

break up the row, too?

Bussom36 said...

Yes, you can break up the ROW, KBS and DU's.....High meters/reps & less rounds or high rounds & less meters/reps?
You Decide!

Kurt said...

I just noticed that RX for KBS is 35#. Oops, I did 53# in this mornings workout. No wonder I was hurting! KurtS

SharonLS said...

first it was 53, then 35 then 26! I did 35!!

Kurt said...

Sharon, Happy to hear I wasn't alone in going heavy today. You did awesome in this WOD. KurtS

Missy said...

i can blog!!