Tuesday, October 6, 2015

10/07/15- Double Down

BRING A FRIEND FUNDRAISER Mark your calendars. November 14th @ 9am Read more: Click here
In WOD we Thrust- how's the view from the top?

7 minute AMRAP 30 Second L-sit 20 SDHP 95/65 10m Handstand Walk Scale: HS HOLD Rest 5 minutes, then 6 rounds for time of: 9 Wallball Shots 20/14 6 Burpees jumping over your ball

Post weights, reps and time to comments


Frank Heffelfinger said...

The Bring a Friend Fundraiser for the National Canine Cancer Foundation should be November 7th.

Todd said...

WOD 1: 2 + 40 (L-sit, 80#, 20 shoulder touches)
WOD 2: 6:50 w/20#WB

Great Job Lou mixing in the WOD(s) moves with the warm up this morning, loved it.

Frank Heffelfinger said...

One rep Max Back Squat - 305# (10# PR)

WOD1: 3 + 36 - 65# L-sits Handstand hold
WOD2: 9:16 w/ 20# WB (this one so much worse than I thought it was going to be. Really struggled with 20# WB and usually don't.

RobC said...

Nice Frank 3 Bills on the Backsquat!

Unknown said...

Way to go Frank. A PR in the middle of training for a marathon, too! Awesome!